slay the spire - 2021-03-06

Defect 0 - victory vs. The Awakened One:

My first Defect run! Won without any advice/suggestions. I had a heavily lightning-based deck, with Storm+ (innate, channels a lightning orb whenever I use a power), Electrodynamics+ (makes lightning orbs AOE and channels 3 lightning), and, for big scaling damage, Thunder Strike+ (deals 9 damage for each lightning orb channeled during the fight). For focus I had Defrag+ and Biased Cognition. For energy I had Slaver's Collar and a couple Double Energy+ cards.

In terms of defense my deck was not great, but near the end I snagged Buffer+ which saved my ass. I still thought I was going to die a couple times against the Awakened One. I had a power-heavy deck due to Storm+. (And of course I didn't have to use them, but...powers...) It was very touch and go.

Log Entry by Achaius

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