slay the spire - 2021-03-20

Defect 1 - victory vs. the Heart:

The run got off to a rough start. The whale gave me Blizzard (deal 2 damage to all enemies for every frost orb channeled this combat), so I was like "okay, I'll build frost." Near the end of Act 1, I was like "actually, Blizzard just sucks" and removed it from my deck; but by then, my deck was a no-damage mess. It didn't even have good defense?? I lost track of the times I said, "This isn't close to full block at all."

I fully expected to wipe mid-Act 2, but I somehow pulled through. I'm not really sure how I turned it around; I good cards? My endgame deck was very power-heavy: Echo Form, Capacitor+ (2), Buffer+, Defrag+ and Defrag, Storm+, Electrodynamics (2). It's a good thing I got Time Eater and not the Awakened One.

Against the Heart, I got White Noise+ on turn 1 and drew 0-cost Echo Form. Very cool. Then I used Echo Form on my Echo Form and lived like a king. (somewhat dampened by my velvet choker but, y'know, still cool)

Log Entry by Achaius

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