slay the spire - 2021-03-24

Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Time Eater (Act 3 boss):

Watcher's a lot of fun now that I'm more familiar with the game. Went with a very greedy/aggressive build: Philosopher's Stone + Coffee Dripper + Deva Form + Collect + 2 Vaults. Cruised through most of the run, but in the latter half of Act 3 my lack of defense was starting to show, and predictably I got destroyed by Time Eater. (1: Playing so many cards = Time Eater was incredibly fed. I didn't realize he gains strength lmao. 2: No defense. 3: Actually I had SOME defense, but I didn't have the card draw to get it when I needed it. Lack of card draw was the major weakness in my deck I identified at the start of Act 3, but I didn't manage to remedy it.)

HGR later suggested I should've taken Fasting (which I think I passed up a couple of times). It's a good way to make each card be higher impact, and I honestly had a surplus of energy so the downside would have been minor.

Log Entry by Achaius

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