slay the spire - 2021-03-25

Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Hexaghost & Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Hexaghost (Act 1 boss):

lmao how did this happen TWICE who dies to literally hexaghost. rumors of me getting better at Watcher were greatly exaggerated

The first time, idk, I just didn't have damage? Not much to say here.

The second time, I didn't have good ways in and out of Wrath. (My only stance change cards were Eruption, Indignation, Vigilance, and Empty Body. No retain.) I nearly died to Goblin Nob which was Not a Good Sign. But yeah no Wrath = no damage, and those Burn+ cards really add up on the second go-around. I should've been way more aggressive from turn 3 onward and just eaten the Wrath damage; you really can't afford to chip against Hexaghost.

Log Entry by Achaius

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