sun stealers - 2020-12-28

Puppies take so long to grow up.

Five days from now, Arson, Carob, and Mango & Sago become adults. They'll form a new hunting party called The Reckoning, with Carob as stalker and Arson/Mango as chasers.

Two days later, right as they're starting to get a good vibe going, Jackfruit Cider and Derelict Fog become adults. They'll crash the hunting party like NEW HUNTING PARTY WHO DIS and basically tank any synergy the team has built up. It's fine. They have plenty of time to learn teamwork and hunting skills together. (Derelict will be the third chaser; Jack will be the finisher.)

Five days after that, Fenrir will grow up and take on his new role as scout. His stat distribution favors strength and wisdom, so he'll be an ideal rainforest/glacier scout.

Four days after that, Chendol will grow up and become a pupsitter. There will be a transitional period where Solstice shows her the ropes, and then Solstice will probably leave the pack to find her own way in the world.

Pictured: Fenrir, who also answers to his puppy nickname "Summer Snow"

Log Entry by Achaius

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