sun stealers - 2021-01-08

Just two days later, an exceptional pup comes along. She's the child of Sunfall, the most powerful wolf in the realm. Sunfall is #1, and Faelor is #2, and they're both common household names; they each have hundreds of living children. Whole dynasties have been founded from their descendants.

Anyway, this Sunfall pup has just been weaned, and her mother doesn't want her. She named her "bag of trash." Her pack was about to abandon her when I came along and agreed to take her in.

As one would expect, she has prodigious stats. (497 total stats, including 130 attack; she can trounce any of my hunters.) She's kind of a cheeto-looking pup, but that's nothing we can't fix, and doing so is way cheaper than Sunfall's stud fees. We're calling her "Pyro" for now until we decide on a proper name.

Meanwhile, in general chat:

Lukepaw (#32170): round of applause for sunfall for contributing to the genes of 40% of wolvden's entire population

Lukepaw (#32170): sunfall is everyone's father. sunfall is my father. sunfall is your father.

Lukepaw (#32170): i've been searching for my absent father for years and i have finally discovered him. it was sunfall, highest stat wolf in wolvden.

[Note to self: Pyro and Zinfandel are second cousins; they have the same great-grandparents, Shadow 🌘 and Chime 🔔. The main family line, denoted by the 🌘 symbol, goes from Shadow to Penumbra to Sunfall. Shadow and Chime also had a son named Echo 🔔 (the 🔔 symbol indicates the branch family), and Zinfandel comes from Echo's line.]

Pictured: Our new pup, Pyro. She's sunny like her dad!

Log Entry by Achaius

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