sun stealers - 2021-01-24


So Miri was out hunting when she met Eredin, a chaser for Darkroot Pack. He was handsome and a charmer and they really hit it off and tl;dr she came home pregnant. Nice score, Miri!

"Now that's good hunting," said Fenrir.

"Shut up, Fen," said Miri.

Everyone was excited. These are the first puppies to be born in-house (except for Rubicon and Solstice's brief and ill-advised fling, but we don't talk about that. Anyway, Rubicon's the only current pack member who was around when it happened).

Last night Miri gave birth to three healthy pups: a honeydew girl, Kavik; a glaucous boy, Sharkey; and a maltese girl, Cobalt. Strong little pups (403-410 base stats), and the girls are both aggressive like their mom. Our pupsitters are going to earn their keep for sure.

A note about names: A lot of my wolves have nicknames/"puppy names." That's because I'm kind of bad at naming puppies, but I refuse to have someone in my den named "New Puppy" or "$ sell" or "sarder f 414." Everyone deserves a name. So when I get a new pup, I name them the first thing that comes to mind, usually something simple based on color, and then I take my time coming up with a real name.

But sometimes it takes me a long time to pick a real name, and the puppy name kind of sticks. Lucky Taro is a good example; I still think of her as "Pyro" half the time. Well, both names suit her.

Pictured: Kavik, Sharkey, and Cobalt Snowclone

Log Entry by Achaius

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