sun stealers - 2021-01-27

The day after Miri had her pups, Raubritter decided to one-up her by officially becoming the pack's breeding male. Honestly, it's a bit of a formality at this point. Raubritter was the only serious contender after Fenrir bowed out of the race. But also, no one from the pack wants to breed with him at the moment. (You need combined parental stats of 1350 to get 400-stat pups. Raubritter's at 600, which is respectable, but he still has a lot of bulking up to do.)

Anyway, the next day, Raubritter got a stud request from another pack's wolf! Her name is Lobelia of Spoonwood Grove. We're all wishing the best for her and her pups.


In other news, two new additions to the pack:

(1) Snickerdoodle was supposed to be a temp, staying with us for a few days so our pupsitters could get some pup-rearing experience. But Chendol and Wraith got attached and decided to adopt her.

(2) Firesoul (name subject to change) is a pedigree pup with a fine sarder coat. This pup is legit related to three-fourths of the wolves in existence. Her maternal grandparents are Faelor and Rise 🔔, with some Michael Scott heritage thrown in for good measure, so she's related on that side to Taro, Zinfandel, and Snickerdoodle. Meanwhile, her paternal grandfather is Enigma, so she's Miri's niece.

Both of them will grow up to be chasers for Phantom Divine, making it a full five-wolf hunting pack.


Pictured: Raubritter, Snickerdoodle, and Firesoul

Log Entry by Achaius

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