sun stealers - 2021-01-28

noooooo the stud I had picked out for Lucky Taro died overnight. RIP Saito Hajime, who passed away at 3 years and 10 months old. According to his bio, he was thinking of retiring from his job as stud and settling down with a partner, but he never got the chance.

He was level 19, just a few scouting expeditions away from leveling up, so I thought I'd wait to send my stud request until he got his level so the pups would have just a few more stats. I was refreshing his profile all day. Then he died aaaaaaa

He was unique: a Cool Light II stud with 750+ stats and triple merle markings, none of which were brown. His pack leader replaced him with a shitty low-stat fox. FOXES ARE A PLAGUE UPON THIS WORLD


update: oh hey my red fox tail sold! that's 60 gc! foxes are a mixed blessing upon this world


Pictured: the late Saito Hajime. rest in peace my dude

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