sun stealers - 2021-02-02

Our herbalist, Top Ramen, passed away in his sleep last night. He was 7 years and 9 months old, which is fairly old for a wild wolf. He was a simple old boy; he loved digging and loved finding herbs. We'll miss him.

Tripoli was originally going to be his successor, but a few days ago, she abruptly announced she was leaving the pack. Herbalist is traditionally a lifetime position, and I think she balked at tying herself down like that. She's a young wolf. She's still figuring herself out.

Anyway, we got another wolf, Lime, to be our new herbalist. With Top Ramen's passing, all of the Sun Stealers arrived as puppies and were raised here (with the exception of Rubicon himself, who founded the pack right as he reached adulthood).


Stat leaderboard for the pack:

  1. 734 - Lucky Taro, scout
  2. 677 - Raubritter, scout
  3. 600 - Miri, hunter (chaser for Phantom Divine)
  4. 488 - Top Ramen, former herbalist
  5. 486 - Mango & Sago, hunter (chaser for The Reckoning)
  6. 477 - Derelict Fog, hunter (chaser for the Reckoning)
  7. 475 - Arson, hunter (chaser for the Reckoning)
  8. 471 - Carob, hunter (stalker for the Reckoning)
  9. 460 - Jackfruit Cider, hunter (finisher for the Reckoning)
  10. 449 - Fenrir, hunter (finisher for Phantom Divine)

Pictured: Top Ramen and Lime. The herbalist is dead, long live the herbalist.

Log Entry by Achaius

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