sun stealers - 2021-02-17

Today we mourn the passing of a legend: Sunfall is dead.

(Lucky Taro is heartbroken. She never got to meet her dad...)

We're not privy to the internal politics of The Red Sun Pack, but here's what we know: Allegedly, Sunfall died in his sleep last night. It was presumably not of natural causes, since he was less than five years old and in good health. His son, Sundance, is still with the pack, but he didn't succeed his father as pack leader; instead, the new leader is an outsider named Valkyrie with no blood ties to anyone in the pack.

This is all kinds of shady, but also not our business, so we'll probably never know the details. Rest in peace, king.


Pictured: Sunfall and his successor Valkyrie

Log Entry by Achaius

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