sun stealers - 2021-02-26

Pupsplosion! It's chaos in the den. Pups are everywhere. The pupsitters are frantic. We had to pull Fenrir into emergency pupsitter duty. He is not happy about it.

Last night, Lucky Taro had a litter of five pups: three denims, a lilac, and a nocturne. A stunningly good litter. Nice work, Taro. We don't have room to keep all five, but we're definitely keeping two: Aymeric, the 490-stat denim, and Leviathan, the 474-stat denim.

Today, we got 10 more pups, all for Project Sarder: Raubritter x Snickerdoodle (5), x Firesoul (3), and x Mango & Sago (2). Out of those, Snickerdoodle's son Lunar Dynamo is the only sarder. (Overall base breakdown: one sarder, two dravite, one russet, one henna, three brown, one liver, one red.) Lunar Dynamo is a big milestone puppy: He's the first "keeper" puppy born in-pack, not counting the egg gladiators. He's also the first puppy to exceed his parents in base stats. He's got 401, while Raubritter had 369 and Snickerdoodle had 387.

And, of course, breeding denim and sarder pups was a longtime goal of mine. The original plan was to have a sarder heir, but Leviathan is also looking like a very tempting heir candidate. Upcoming power struggle, maybe?

Current goals:

  • Get a 1000 stat wolf (Lucky Taro: 943/1000)
  • Have Raubritter sire more pups than MICHEAL SKARN (currently: 113/226)

Pictured: Our two rival heir candidates, Leviathan and Lunar Dynamo

Log Entry by Achaius

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