sun stealers - 2021-03-08

Here's a hypothetical list of the nine pups I most want in the future. We're pretty full up at the moment, so most of these are long-term plans, two or three wolf-years down the road.

1. Onyx pup with selenite markings, Lucky Taro x leaderboard stud: Now that Taro's broken the 1000 stat barrier, she's going after some leaderboard tail. Base and markings don't matter because I'm going to change them anyway. I just want a clean slate high stat pup who I can deck out in neon blue markings from the next lunar event.

2. Selene boy, future stud, Raubritter x Mango: Both Raubritter and Mango are gen 2, which means their pup will be great stud material (obscure bloodlines are all the rage these days). We'll do this when Mango hits five and a half years old, and we'll use a selene base applicator on the best pup. That'll give us time to train the pup before Raubritter passes away.

3. Mojave/realgar/pyrope girl, bought from TC: 300 stat minimum, 350 preferred, but this is hypothetical so let's say 400. I'd strongly prefer a pup/adol; I like watching them grow up. Only lineage restriction is that she can't be related to Sovereign of Red Sky because I have a free traditional breeding. [EDIT: Okay, this one just happened; I impulse-bought a 423-stat mojave pup for 50 gc. I saw the trade last night and decided to sleep on it. When I woke up I saw someone else had offered 40 gc, so I immediately bought out the trade. what's a good name for a mojave lol]

4. Denim merle stalker, Akinori x Cobalt: Just gotta wait for Akinori to hit max level from scouting in around two wolf-years. Denim is admittedly a longshot from galena x maltese, but all the cool T2s are good, you can't go wrong. The white merle is the important part.

5. Diorite chaser, Miri x Derelict Fog: Miri and Derelict aren't romantically into each other, but they're friends with benefits and they have a great time. Anyway, powerhouse chaser pups.

6. Sarder chaser, Arson x Firesoul: Cute fire-themed couple yes plz

7. Honeydew finisher, Raubritter x Jackfruit Cider: Wyrdwulf suggested pairing them up for unreasonably strong pups and I like it. Unless I magically get a great base (arkose? denim? it could happen) I'll probably change them to honeydew to carry on Jack's legacy.

8. Merledew boy, Fenrir x [Lime or Jackfruit Cider]: I want Fenrir to have a son to carry on his line before he goes immortal. Lime would make cuter pups; Jack would make stronger pups (and still guaranteed cute, that's the benefit of honeydew x honeydew). Tough choice.

9. Arkose pup, bought from TC: I like arkose, but my pack is totally not set up to breed for it. One day I'm gonna be browsing the TC and I'll come home with a cute arkose pup in tow. This is inevitable.


Pictured: Our new mojave girl. Welcome to the squad, kiddo!

Log Entry by Achaius

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