sun stealers - 2021-03-13

We've been getting restless in the deciduous forest. It's our ancestral home, but it's also a newbie/starter biome, and after being here so long it feels like slumming. Our hunters want to test their skills.

So today, the first day of spring, we moved to the rainforest, one of the two most inhospitable biomes. (The other is the glacier, Raubritter's nemesis.) The Reckoning and Ravenlight hunt squads both went from 100% catch rates on large prey to 60-61% catch rate on critters. They both flubbed their first hunts, so the trainee squad Ghost River was the first to bring food home.

We're not planning to live here long-term. The plan is to stay until the start of the next lunar event, when we'll grab the lunar rainforest background and then move to the taiga. That will hopefully provide a good balance between exp for our hunters and actually getting food, and it's also a good location for easy tundra/glacier access.


In other news, the succession conflict has been resolved. Lime, our herbalist, set up a succession trial where the two rival heir candidates had to hunt for an aging crystal hidden in the forest. Leviathan won, which means he's officially been named Rubicon's heir, while Lunar Dynamo will instead become a hunter.


Pictured: The Reckoning squad in their new hunting grounds in the jungle.

Log Entry by Achaius

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