sun stealers - 2021-03-16

When Raubritter first became stud, we didn't think he'd get much business, since he's not T3 and the market is tough. But he's doing pretty well for himself. Some of his accomplishments:

  • He's sired 238 pups, beating MICHEAL SKARN's total of 226. (Obviously the world is much bigger now and 200-odd pups no longer makes a big-name stud. Still, it's a cool milestone.)
  • At 891 stats, he's the third highest-stat russet stud.
  • One of his daughters, Scarlet Wish, is the heir to the Shadowstalker Pack, set to take over in a few days when the elderly leader passes away.
  • One of his sons, David, is now a stud. He's a russet boy like both his parents. He's also got substantially higher starting stats than Raubritter. Is he gonna surpass his dad someday? I'd be proud tbh.
  • His notable other pups include two denim puppies, a diorite puppy, a peach runt, and a whole bunch of sarders.
  • He's got a realgar grandson. (With bright blue painted claws. Raubritter is adamant that his grandson is entitled to make whatever fashion statements he wants, but privately he wishes his grandson had better taste.)

Pictured: Scarlet Wish; denim and russet merle kids; and realgar grandson with the painted claws

Log Entry by Achaius

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