sun stealers - 2021-03-25

okay I knew our mojave (who we've named Mireya Ironclad) came from a puppy mill but this still amuses me

  • I'M THE TRASHMAN: i wish Spitfire was still alive he's probably my favorite fox stud
  • Lionel: oh hey spitfire is my mojave's great-granddad
  • Miso Soup 🍜 : Spitfire is mines great-great grandfather xD
  • Seagull: spitfire is my Mojave’s grandfather lol
  • Unianigi {Bases:110/119} : Spitfire is Toddy's daddy!

Spitfire's pack is absolutely making bank off selling tier 3 pups and honestly I'm here for it. Good businesswolves. I was watching the trading center for weeks before getting Mireya, and every time a good stat mojave showed up, it'd be from Spitfire's pack. Also, every 700+ stat mojave stud in existence is Mireya's uncle lmao


Pictured: Mireya, almost grown up

Log Entry by Achaius

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