sun stealers - 2021-04-04

I feel like I never properly introduced most of the members of Ghost River, our junior hunting squad, so here they are:

1. stalker: Cobalt Snowclone [maltese; starting stats 410, current stats 669]

Miri's firstborn, and the founder of the hunting pack. She's a real hotdogger. On the day she became an adult, she went on her very first hunt and took down a bighorn sheep ram all by herself. We're all proud of her.

2. lead chaser: Light Rampant [albino; starting stats 293, current stats 549]

Outsider pup. As a hunter, she's an unexpected success story. She originally joined the hunting squad as a temporary filler unit, just holding the line until we could get a higher-stat wolf to replace her, but it turns out she's really into chasing. She loves it and is clearly here to stay.

3. chaser: Takaya [blue merle; starting stats 424, current stats 666]

The elder of Lucky Taro's merle boys. Unfortunately, he's basically the opposite of Light; despite his hefty stat total, he's a reluctant chaser, a fact that becomes more obvious with every level up. He'd rather be a wolf professor. Or maybe a wolf scientist. He's a dutiful kid and does his job, but we may want to replace him with someone more suited to the role.

4. chaser: Cryptic [diorite; starting stats 447, current stats 613]

Pup from Miri's second litter. Quiet, observant, helpful. Like maybe you're up at 4 am making healing salves AGAIN arggh, and you hear a noise beside you and realize that Cryptic left you a nice juicy bone, and you turn around to thank him but he's already slipped out of the den.

5. finisher: Lunar Dynamo [sarder; starting stats 401, current stats 509]

Son of Raubritter and Snickerdoodle, and the youngest member of the hunting team. It's tough being a finisher when your dad is finisher of a much more experienced and successful squad and side-eyes you whenever you come home with nothing. (Even though we just moved to the taiga and it's winter and dad never had to deal with these kinds of conditions when he was learning to hunt.) Lunar's a fighter though. He's determined to exceed his dad's skills someday.


Pictured: The squad!

Log Entry by Achaius

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