sun stealers - 2021-05-11

Last winter, around the same time that our hunter pups were born, Raubritter and Mango also had a son: Razanei.

Old man Raubritter has a very conservative fashion sense; a dignified russet coat and monochrome markings are all he ever wanted. Razanei thinks that's boring. He's all about being flashy. Bright blue fur! Bright blue tats! Hell yeah!

Over the past week, he and Azure hatched an elaborate plot to break into the pack's vault, where the pack's lunar treasures are buried. Specifically, Razanei was after the pack's stash of lunar essence. He heard a rumor that snorting that stuff gets you ridiculously high, and if you do enough of it, it turns your fur blue. (Only Razanei was planning to partake. Azure is too sly to get wasted and then wear evidence of his crime on his fur; but he does love elaborate plots.)

The two of them managed to rope most of the other adolescents into helping out. Iyazo was tasked with keeping the pupsitters occupied, while Azure, Ricochet, and Moondew created a diversion to lure the other adults out of camp. Meanwhile, Razanei snuck into the vault to search for the treasure buried within.

The plan was a flop. Levi caught Razanei before he managed to dig up a single lunar artifact. But Levi, magnanimous in victory, decided he liked Razanei's nerve and gave him some lunar essence anyway. "Don't take it all at once," he said with a smirk. Obviously, Razanei took it all at once. He was miserably sick for a week. But his fur did turn blue, so he got what he wanted out of the whole affair.


Pictured: Razanei after the incident. He loves his new look.

Log Entry by Achaius

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