sun stealers - 2021-05-22

It's midwinter in the taiga, and our new hunting squad is making its debut, with one modification. Shikadi kept quarreling with his squadmates-to-be, so we did a pup swap: we sent Shikadi to the Dark Moon Wolf pack, which was badly in need of hunters, and we brought in a new chaser pup from Websteak's pack. We named her Blitzkrieg. Like Ricochet and Iyazo, she's the child of lifelong hunters and was born to run.


Meanwhile, Taro's chasing leaderboard tail again. You know how it is.

Taro shrugs, unrepentant. "Emp's pretty cute under all that armor, you know."

We've got new puppies, courtesy of the latest tryst between Taro and the god-wolf Emperor. ("I don't think he's actually a god," says Taro, yawning. "It just sounds good on the stud ads.") Zinfandel, keeping track of the pack's finances in the background, is scowling. 30 gc stud fee + 5 gc black sage + 3 gc elk heart + 5 gc IBF = 43 gc ooof

(Q: Why the elk heart and IBF?

A: Emperor has been abusing his god-powers to phase out of the mortal realm to artificially extend his lifespan. Basically, he wasn't here when Taro was in heat, so we had to elk heart. Also, due to the delay, we needed to IBF to ensure she gets a final litter afterwards. What a pain.)

Anyway, the pups are BIG. The biggest pup, a stunning sarder who we've affectionately nicknamed "extra spicy ramen," is 625 stats. For comparison, Taro was 497 at birth, Miri was 454, and Raubritter was a paltry 369.


Pictured: The new squad (now in card view! they skipped leg day tho) and our spicy ramen pup

Log Entry by Achaius

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