sun stealers - 2021-06-05

The changing of the guard is nigh. All our pack founders—the Reckoning hunting squad, Raubritter, Taro, and Miri—are getting old. It's soon going to be time to hand things over to the next generation.

When Fenrir passed his seventh birthday, he decided to seek out Death before Death could come for him. He challenged Death to a game for possession of his soul. (Everyone knows that Death loves all kinds of games; but Death is also a master of all kinds of games, having eternity to hone his skills.) Yet Fenrir the trickster prevailed, and he returned from the pale lands as an immortal.

Also, he doesn't help with the hunting or scouting any more. "Immortals don't do that kind of stuff," he said airily.

Miri narrowed her eyes. "Not like you were doing much before this 'immortal' business."

"Don't you have some caribou to chase?" Fenrir said as he settled down for a long afternoon nap.


Pictured: Fenrir

Log Entry by Achaius

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