sun stealers - 2021-06-18

Taro has also achieved immortality, though it's less clear how she did it. Her initial description of her encounter with Death was as brief as it was implausible. "I just beat him up," she said with a shrug.

Over time, Taro's tale of her battle with Death has grown more and more elaborate. It's practically a whole battle saga by now. It's also the puppies' favorite bedtime story. "Tell us again how you kicked Death's ass!"

The puppies all talk like this. It's because Raubritter, in his old age, retired to pupsitting duty, and he refused to temper his language around the pups. "It's just words," he told the other pupsitters with a dismissive huff. The pups quickly decided he was the cool pupsitter and imitated him and here we are with a den full of vulgar puppies.

Raubritter himself recently passed away at the age of 7 years and 7 months. Rest in peace, good sir. You'll be missed. (What a powerhouse, though. He sired 727 pups over his lifetime. More than grand patriarch Shadow! More than Michael Scott and Micheal Skarn combined!) His son Razanei succeeds him as stud and has pledged to "make lots of blue pups hell yeah."


Pictured: Taro the immortal, and Razanei looking way more dignified and serious than he is in real life

Log Entry by Achaius

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