sun stealers - 2021-06-30

Dewberry was originally a rescue pup, adopted from the Enclave by Chendol and Wraith. In her version of the tale, the "adoption" was very dramatic: Dewberry was fleeing from a ravenous bear, and Wraith ran in and challenged the bear to single combat (which of course she won) while Chendol whisked Dewberry to safety. (Did Wraith ever fight a bear in her entire life? Possibly not. But that's the story.)

Chendol was our head pupsitter, and she was training Dewberry to be her successor. But both Chendol and Wraith passed away while Dewberry was an adolescent, and after that, Dewberry couldn't bear to stay with the pack any longer. She yearned for open skies and unexplored vistas. With Levi's blessing, Dewberry set out to see the world.


Meanwhile, in hunting news, Cai (formerly the finisher for Ravenlight) has founded a new hunting team, Megalovania. She's joined by four of our yearlings: Black Cherry Bomb, Ratatoskr ("Tox"), Kit Montagov, and Hellion. All three chasers have higher starting stats than Taro. This is going to be a powerhouse squad someday.


Pictured: Dewberry and the members of Megalovania

[Note: Dewberry is not a R&C pup; she's part of the Traveling Wolf Project. As of the time of writing this, she's with the Alaasikaq Pack]

Log Entry by Achaius

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