sun stealers - 2021-08-09

[Wolf spotlight: Akinori, Takaya, Cobalt]

(Due to the unfortunate revelation that dynasty slots are hardcapped at 100, I figured I should be copying my wolf bios here. A lot of bio info is saved in various places in this log, but not all of it.)

Akinori | scout & loremaster | firstborn son of Lucky Taro (Takaya's twin)

starting stats: 424 | level 20 stats: 914 (+490) | final stats: 914

When Akinori was a pup, his fur looked like rotting algae, made worse by his tendency to roll in gross dead things. His brothers called him "Rot" and made barfing motions when he came near. Akinori would retaliate by pretending to be a zombie puppy and jumping on them and biting them. That's how brothers are.

Thankfully, his fur cleared up when he got older. He still liked rolling in gross dead things, but doesn't everyone?

As an adult, Akinori followed in his mom's footsteps as scout. With the advent of the Dreaming Moon, he and his mom split up the scouting duties: Taro guarded the waking world, while Akinori patrolled the dreamlands. After Akinori finished his two-year tour of duty and earned his owl talon necklace, he became the pack loremaster.

Takaya | ex-chaser & pupsitter | firstborn son of Lucky Taro (Akinori's twin)

starting stats: 424 | final stats: 787 (+363)

The elder of Taro's merle twins. (I got him the sword when he was half a month old. responsible parenting inc)

He was a chaser for Ghost River for a couple years, but he's not built for speed the way his squadmates were; it became increasingly clear that he couldn't keep up. So he retired from hunting to become a pupsitter. He now trains our pups in the way of the sword.

Cobalt Snowclone | stalker | firstborn daughter of Miri

starting stats: 410 | level 20 stats: 998 (+588) | final stats: 1086 (+676)

Miri's firstborn, and the first pup born in-pack (except for Rubicon and Solstice's ill-advised fling which we don't talk about). On her very first hunt, she took down a bighorn sheep ram all by herself. We're all proud of her.

She's always been an independent-minded girl. Her mother's the star chaser of Ravenlight, so everyone expected Cobalt to be a chaser as well, but instead she turned out to have a real talent for sniffing out trails. She founded the Ghost River hunting squad and led them as stalker. After her passing, her daughter Meracydia took up her position.


Pictured: Akinori, Takaya, and Cobalt. (Unfortunately I don't have a proper picture of Takaya atm - it's on my other computer which I don't have access to. He looks naked without his katana)

Log Entry by Achaius

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