sun stealers - 2021-08-18

[Wolf spotlight: Light Rampant, Cryptic]

Light Rampant | chaser for Ghost River

starting stats: 293 | level 20 stats: 849 (+556) | final stats: 943 (+650)

Our resident lint remover pup; everything sticks to her. She's a big goof. She and Rubicon were alike in that regard. He showed her all his favorite fishing spots and the best places to find cool feathers.

She's the highest-stat female albino, and the third highest albino overall! She's also the best albino chaser, with the #1 speed stat and the #1 agility stat.

Cryptic | chaser for Ghost River | son of Miri

starting stats: 447 | level 20 stats: 1000 (+553) | final stats: 1109 (+662)

Quiet, conscientious, good at his job but a little socially awkward. For a long time he had a major crush on Light Rampant but wasn't sure how to express it. He kept giving her feathers. She appreciated the gifts but thought he was just another feather fan; it never crossed her mind that he might like her.

This continued for a couple years until Cai got sick of it. She called the two of them together and was basically like "BONK go to couple jail." Cryptic just about died on the spot. Light was mystified but said "uh, sure? He's pretty cute?"

Anyway, they're a happy couple now.

Log Entry by Achaius

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