sun stealers - 2021-09-26

[Wolf spotlight: Cai Kyovin, Astrika]


Cai Kyovin | finisher for Ravenlight/Megalovania | daughter of Taro x Emperor

starting stats: 586 | level 20 stats: 1110 (+524) | final stats: 1252 (+666)

It's tough joining an established hunting team and being like "New finisher, who dis?" Especially when all the other squad members are 2-3 years your senior, and especially when you're replacing Raubritter, the pack stud with 300+ strength.

But Cai is Taro's daughter, all brash confidence and natural talent. She'll be fine. On her second hunt she brought down a moose bull. "Newcomer's luck," said Raubritter, but you could tell he was impressed despite himself.

Cai served with the Ravenlight squad for around three years. After the other squad members retired, Cai formed her own squad, Megalovania, with four of the pack's yearlings. Her prowess as a hunter far eclipsed Raubritter's; at 509 strength, she was the third strongest pack member in the world.


Astrika | pupsitter and mentor | daughter of Taro x Emperor

starting stats: 584 | level 20 stats: 1067 (+483) | final stats: 1067

Phantasmal pup. There were three pups in the litter, everyone agrees on this, and then suddenly...there were four? This was during the Second Dreaming Moon, and the new pup's fur was heavy with lunar essence.

As an adult, Astrika is able to slip in and out of the Dreamlands at will, even when the Dreaming Moon is not ascendant. She likes taking pups on short field trips to the Dreamlands. Our former head pupsitter Chendol disapproved mightily of this practice, but she's not around any more to object, and Astrika insists it's perfectly safe as long as she stays with the pups.


[excerpt from the bio of Ashen, a traveling wolf]

Traveling through the taiga, Ashen chanced to meet some distant cousins of hers. Their names were Cai and Astrika, and like her, they were granddaughters of the legendary warrior Sunfall. None of them had ever met him, but they all grew up hearing tales of his martial prowess. They swapped stories late into the evening.

They also got into a spirited debate about whether Emperor would beat Sunfall in a fight. Astrika said that Emperor would win due to his martial arts mastery and his divine powers. Cai said the "divine powers" were a bunch of hogwash, and Sunfall would win due to his superior strength and tactical prowess. It was clear this was an old argument between the sisters.

Log Entry by Achaius

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