sun stealers - 2021-10-24

Razanei was a wild party boy all his life. At six years old, he stepped down as active stud in favor of his younger half-brother Ratatoskr ("Get yourself some tail, bro"), but it didn't stop him from playing the field, as they say. He sired more than 500 pups during his lifetime.

He passed away at the age of seven and a half, and he found himself on the shore of the river separating the land of the living from the land of the dead. He was greeted by a grim, all-black wolf ("Ooh, a mel," said Razanei, "very classic, I like it") who introduced himself as the spirit guide leading wolves to the afterlife.

As they swam across the river, Razanei chatted up the spirit wolf. Did he get out much? (No. It was his duty to guard the river.) Had he been to any good parties lately? (No. It was his duty to guard the river.) After some reflection, the spirit wolf admitted that he was a bit lonely. And bored.

"I know how to fix that," Razanei said.

* * *

It was evening when Razanei and a mysterious black-furred stranger showed up at the Sun Stealers' den. Vice greeted them with a snarl, quickly interposing herself between Razanei and the pups. "You're dead," she growled at Razanei.

"I'm just visiting," said Razanei airily, as if this explained anything. "Anyway! My pal Grim hasn't been to a party in ages. Show him a good time, willya?"

Wolves are willing to roll with things as they come. Razanei smelled fine, and he assured everyone he was fine, and Kit's hunting squad just came home with a fresh bovine carcass, so...why overthink things, you know? Everyone gathered around for a night of feasting and gnawing on bones and howling at the moon.

When morning came, Razanei and the mysterious wolf were both gone, although no one saw either of them leave. But ever since then, Razanei will periodically visit the pack, sometimes with Grim, more often alone ("Grim gave me a day pass," he says). He's not a true immortal like Taro, Fenrir, and Sundaze, but we see him frequently enough that we've reserved his den spot for him.


Razanei | scout & finisher for Lightbringer

starting stats: 495 | level 20 stats: 988 (+493) | final stats: 1112 (+617)

lifetime achievements: 187 scouting expeditions, 761 hunts (394 successes), and 25 lessons taught

Log Entry by Achaius

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