sun stealers - 2021-11-06

[Wolf spotlight: the Rule the World hunting squad]

Overall team stats:

  • 1312 hunts (706 successes)
  • Base success rates [taiga/desert]: 90% small trails, 74% medium trails, 60% large trails


Azure of the End | stalker for Rule the World | starting stats: 456 | final stats: 1115 (+659)

Cobalt's son. Schemer, troublemaker, ringleader. Razanei's partner in crime.

Found a small trail on his first day hunting! It was 6%. The team did not catch it. As a young hunter, he liked slumming, trying to pad the team's winrate. "oops I only found critters again" - no one's buying it dude, we all know you can do better. Thankfully he's grown out of it. These days he finds only the finest caribou and moose trails and if the team doesn't bring them home it is Not His Fault.


Ricochet | chaser for Rule the World | starting stats: 493 | final stats: 1164 (+671)

Daughter of Derelict Fog and Miri, and the lead chaser for the Rule the World squad. She's the responsible one of the team. She makes sure Iyazo is eating right and bonks Azure when he's slacking off.


Iyazo | chaser for Rule the World | starting stats: 478 | final stats: 1153 (+675)

Son of Derelict Fog and Miri, and a chaser for the Rule the World hunting squad. A lover, not a fighter. Charming, flirtatious, and a hit with both the guys and the girls. Keeps pet rats in his spare time. No, Oreo, these rats are MINE, they're NOT FOR EATING.

Despite being the runt of the litter, he was the first sibling to hit the leaderboard! He made the speed leaderboard on 9/16/21, and his big sis Ricochet made it on 9/24/21 (by which time Iyazo was already up to #5).


Blitzkrieg | chaser for Rule the World | starting stats: 492 | final stats: 1154 (+662)

Zerii's best friend. Unlike Zerii, Blitz has no claim to demon heritage; she comes from a very respectable old-blood hunter family. But you wouldn't know it from the way the two of them party and tear up the place.


Moondew Jackal | finisher for Rule the World | starting stats: 487 | final stats: 1152 (+665)

Daughter of Jackfruit Cider and Raubritter. The mace is a family heirloom handed down from her mom. Those caribou better watch out.

She's appointed herself as Levi's personal bodyguard. Levi says he doesn't need a bodyguard, but he has to admit, if he did need one, Moondew's the best there is.

10/7/21 - Moondew is officially the strongest wolf we've ever had, surpassing Cai with 510 strength! She's also the strongest tier 1 wolf in the world, and the fifth strongest overall (including both pack members and lead wolves).

Log Entry by Achaius

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