sun stealers - 2021-11-14

Sometimes a pup is a little too good at hide-and-seek.

Renjiro was seen heading toward a thick stand of desert paintbrush, and then...he was gone. Berry Blitz, who was "it," couldn't find him. The pupsitters couldn't find him. Meracydia, our chief stalker, couldn't find him. His scent went into the stand of desert paintbrush and then abruptly stopped.

As a last resort, Irrigo decided to check the dreamworld. There he was, crouching in the lunar sagebrush, his fur covered in lunar essence, his tail wagging back and forth. "Did I win?" he asked Irrigo.

It's not clear where Renjiro got his ability to phase into the lunar lands. Few wolves can enter when the Dreaming Moon is not ascendant, and neither of his parents is dreamtouched. But, in any case, everything turned out well. Irrigo became his full-time pupsitter and explained to him that going to the dreamworld during hide-and-seek was cheating.


Pictured: Renjiro and his pupsitter Irrigo

Log Entry by Achaius

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