sun stealers - 2021-12-27

[Wolf spotlight: sisters Meracydia & Veselka]

Meracydia | stalker for Lightbringer | starting stats: 537 | final stats: 1284 (+757)

Our stalker prodigy. Singleminded in her pursuit of hunting excellence. As a pup, she was tutored by her mom Cobalt, our premier first-generation trailblazer.

7/24/21: Sniffed out her first medium trail in taiga (level 8, 203/196 wisdom/smarts, 1y2.5m) (she's just a pup, I'm so proud)

8/6/21: Sniffed out her first large trail in taiga (level 12, 234/233 wisdom/smarts, 1y9m)

12/5/21: Meracydia is the wisest wolf in the world! (433 wisdom, 6y9.5m)

12/6/21: As an early seventh birthday present for Meracydia, we moved out to the tundra. Meracydia was stoked. She found a large trail on her very first hunt. (success percentages [spring]: 86% small trails, 67% medium trails, 58% large trails) 

Veselka | herbalist | starting stats: 526 | final stats: 1026 (+500) 

Our herbalist. Very enthusiastic about all things herb-related. As a pup, she received stalker training alongside her sister Meracydia. But all she wanted to do was sniff out herbs. Who cares about caribou? There are herbs!! Hey, mom, what does this herb do? What about this herb?

Cobalt didn't really know what any of the herbs did, but she knew her pup had found her calling and sent her to apprentice under our herbalist, Lime.

Lime passed away while Veselka was still an adolescent. Shortly thereafter, a traveling wolf from another pack (the usurper, as Veselka thinks of him) came by and offered his services as herbalist. Veselka had to defend her position. She challenged him to an herb-off. "What herbs cure pox?" she demanded. "What's the difference between an open wound and an infection? Wanna see who can find the most yarrow in an hour?" In the end, she soundly defeated the usurper, and he ran off with his tail tucked between his legs. It was Veselka's proudest moment.

Log Entry by Achaius

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