sun stealers - 2022-01-21

[Wolf spotlight: siblings Wyrmfang & Icelit Dragonsong]

Wyrmfang | chaser for Lightbringer | starting stats: 463 | final stats: 1197 (+734)

Daughter of Light Rampant, the fastest albino in Wolvden. All of Light's pups have mad zoomies. The pupsitters love them, but it's also like "oh god not this again."

As a pup, Wyrmfang was so zoomy and restless that her pupsitters speculated she might not be cut out for pack life and might end up a traveling lone wolf instead. But as she grew up and was trained by the pack's hunters, Wyrmfang learned to channel that energy into the hunt. She and Meracydia co-founded the Lightbringer hunt squad, named in honor of her mom.

Wyrmfang's adopted daughter, Snowy Mooncake the argent crusader, is a traveling wolf. (Technically Snowy was adopted by the whole Lightbringer squad, but Wyrmfang was her primary caretaker as a pup.)

 Albino stats:

  • #2 albino in overall stats (behind FatFœsh @ 1200)
  •  #1 albino chaser (#1 speed, #1 agility)
  • Albino pups: 9/10/21 - White Fang @ 486 stats (115/107 spd/agi)


Icelit Dragonsong | lead chaser for Lightbringer | starting stats: 521 | final stats: 1268 (+747)


The only albino carrier of Light Rampant's final litter. Lead chaser for the Lightbringer squad.

Of Light Rampant's kids, Wyrmfang is the gregarious one. Icelit tends to stay in the background and let her do the talking, a habit he picked up as a pup. It's okay; Wyrmfang is loud enough for both of them.

Log Entry by Achaius

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