sun stealers - 2022-01-31

Jovis, our pack leader, has passed away. He’s succeeded by his son Ryle, who is mainly known for two things: being a foodie and a prankster.

When Ryle was a pup, Renjiro frequently brought him to the lunar lands for training. He introduced Ryle to all kinds of weird otherworldly foods, and Ryle developed a taste for them. For months afterwards he would ask the hunters to bring him "donuts" and "pizza." Even now, as an adult, he typically doesn’t eat with the rest of the pack; he makes sure everyone else is well fed and then pops off to the lunar lands by himself to eat who-knows-what. You wouldn’t think dream food would be filling or nutritious, but Ryle swears by it.

As for his pranks, the most notorious involved the traveling wolf Naruto. As recorded in Naruto’s traveler tales:


In the desert, Naruto met a couple of adolescents from the Sun Stealers, Ryle and Arlo. They were surefooted and strong, racing up the sand dunes and tussling playfully with each other. Naruto felt the sudden irrational urge to impress them. After all, he was a traveler exploring the world, a certified badass! Right?

He started bragging about his adventures. The boys dared him to prove his badassery, and he couldn't back down after all his bragging...and that's how he found himself agreeing to break into the Sun Stealers' vault.

"All kinds of buried treasure!" said Arlo. "The very coolest!"

Ryle gave him a sly grin. "Watch out for Mom. She guards the place, and she bites like hell. But getting past her should be easy for such a pro adventurer, yeah?"

For a wonder, Naruto was able to sneak into the vault unnoticed. The place was full of strange and enticing smells, and Naruto wanted to stop and sniff everything, but he knew he had little time. He picked a spot and started digging. He had just managed to dig up an object (what was it? it looked almost like a small puppy) when the sound of snarling reached his ears. Wtf? Was that a red direwolf dashing toward him? Behind her, he could hear the pack baying, sounding the alarm. Naruto grabbed the strange object and fled for his life.



1.      Ryle’s mother, Molotov, is not actually a direwolf. However, as Advesperascit’s daughter, she can easily be mistaken for one.

2.      Ryle and Arlo eventually fessed up, and the Sun Stealers called off the hunt. However, Naruto didn’t know this, and spent many sleepless nights anxiously listening for sounds of pursuers.


Pictured: Ryle and his parents, Jovis and Molotov

Log Entry by Achaius

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