sun stealers - 2022-02-24

[Traveler tales #3: Julep]

Julep fast facts:

  • Birth pack: Sun Stealers
  • Birthdate: The first day of fall in Year 18
  • Heritage:
  • Mother: Claw of Janloon, finisher for The Black Brigade
  • Father: Renjiro, dreamworld scout
  • Starting stats: 564 (181 strength)
  • Aging-up stats: 640 (221 strength)


Julep was always an odd pup. As one would expect from her heritage, she was a powerhouse, but she had no interest in hunting or fighting. Nor was she interested in patrolling the pack's borders and scouting for intruders. Instead, her passion was music. All wolves enjoy a good howl, but Julep was into all kinds of sound-making: imitating bird noises, thumping on hollow logs, splashing through water. She spent most of her apprentice hunts sneaking off and finding weird objects to add to her collection of noisemakers.

She sometimes got in trouble for this, but her mother, the fearsome Claw of Janloon, was supportive. "Not everyone's gotta hunt," she said, absentmindedly licking blood off her chops from her latest kill. "We got plenty of food. It's fine."

In any case, it was clear that Julep was too much of a free spirit to settle down and accept a position within the pack. Upon reaching adulthood, she struck out on her own, eager to sing songs of faraway lands her packmates would never see.

Log Entry by Achaius

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