sun stealers - 2022-02-28

[Wolf spotlight: Rivalry trio: Castleberry, Vice Kyovin, Lebkuchen]

Castleberry | finisher for Lightbringer | starting stats: 525 | final stats: 1215 (+690)

Castleberry and Vice have been rivals since they were barely weaned. They tussled with each other; they stole each other's prize bones; they competed to become stronger and faster and better. As adults, they became finishers of different hunting squads (Castleberry for Lightbringer, Vice for her mom's squad Megalovania), each still striving to outdo the other.

Somewhere along the way, they fell in love. It be like that sometimes.

They still steal each other's bones.


Vice Kyovin | finisher for Vespertine | starting stats: 644 | final stats: 1393 (+749)

Vice would've been the highest-stat pup born to the Sun Stealers if Lebkuchen hadn't been born a few days earlier. Naturally, this means Leb is her arch-nemesis. (Distinction: Castleberry is her rival. Leb is her nemesis. It's not the same at all.)

12/24/21 - Vice made the strength leaderboard! (5y4m, 525 strength) (HA, she got on the leaderboard before Lebkuchen! Take that!!)

(Side note: Updating our pack leaderboard, I realized that Vice’s mother Cai Kyovin is out of our all-time top 10. This floors me because she was #1 on the pack member site leaderboard back in her day. We’ve come so far!)


Lebkuchen | chaser for Lightbringer/Dragonsong | starting stats: 665 | final stats: 1439 (+774)

Our little princeling. She's in a sort of rivalry triangle with Vice and Castleberry: she plays them against each other, but every so often they'll wise up and call a truce so they can team up against her.

2/7/22: Lebkuchen stats at death roll: #6 in overall stats, #3 in speed, and #8 in agility. She's also the #4 tier 1 wolf in the world, behind Elijah (magnolia lead), Hot Hot Not Tot (amber), and Kronk (brass). (holy shit Kronk is level 19 and 2y6m. Elismir x Ero too strong. Leb lived long enough to see herself passed up by the next generation, which is bittersweet but also kind of inspiring?)


Check them out on the leaderboard! Lebkuchen & Vice together on the overall pack member leaderboard (Leb higher, as always), and Vice & Castleberry together on the strength leaderboard.

Log Entry by Achaius

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