sun stealers - 2022-03-25

The Sun Stealers have traditionally been an insular pack, with most of our outside contact being one-night stands with studs from other packs, or food and toy sales. (Cylas, our pack’s financial manager, makes a killing on food bundles every winter.) But things are changing.

It started near the end of Jovis’ time as leader, when he met a very handsome young pyrope lad in the tundra. Jovis asked if he was looking for a pack to call his own, and the lad politely explained that he already had a pack, he just wasn’t sure where it was. It was his first foray outside pack territory since he reached adulthood and he got totally lost.

Jovis offered him a place to stay until he got things sorted out. What we didn’t realize was that the lad was the prince of the Blood Song Pack, and an entire alliance of packs had sent out search parties to bring him home. He was kind of a big deal. The Half-Light Pack found him first and sent an emissary to our den to negotiate the prince’s safe return.

“Sure thing,” said Jovis. He turned to the prince. “There, see? Told you there was no need to worry. You’ll be home soon.”

“Wait wait wait,” said Cy, his ears perking up. “Finder’s fee?”

In the end, Cy negotiated an extremely hefty compensation package for our pack, and everyone went home happy.

Since that day, we’ve been welcomed into the alliance. Our chasers can be seen racing against chasers from other packs in friendly competition. Jovis could often be seen hanging out with battle legends Elismir and Advesperascit, catching fish and swapping stories about bears they had defeated. All three have since passed on, but their sons Ryle, Karhu, and Heirball are now leading their packs in their stead. Tachyon says they make a cute squad.

And we have new pack members, too. Arrokoth, a wanderer from Exioptera, decided to settle down with us. Ivaxion, a chaser pup from Casalos, was personally picked by Wulfric to join her hunting squad.


Pictured: The lost prince who started it all, Arrokoth, and Ivaxion

Log Entry by Achaius

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