sun stealers - 2022-05-20

[Wolf spotlight: The Red Hood]

We’ve got a new hunting team! It happened like this: Baransky (Severin’s daughter) and Cinnabon (Kipferl’s niece and successor) just reached adulthood, but Severin and Kipferl weren’t willing to give up their spots on the squad. Severin is still hoping to find a large trail in glacier, the stalker’s holy grail. Nobody has ever seen a large trail in glacier—not in our pack, and not in anyone else’s pack either. Nobody can confirm whether they are real or just a myth. But Severin is convinced they’re out there and she’s close to a breakthrough, and she doesn’t want a couple of pups messing up her vibe.

So Baransky and Cinnabon were like, fine, we’re making our own hunting team. They convinced a few of their packmates to join them, and here we are: 

  • Baransky, stalker: Daughter of Severin, and her successor.
  • Cinnabon, chaser: Daughter of Taiyaki, successor to Kipferl.
  • Runetracer, chaser: Child of Kazivar and Bullet Liger. A career pupsitter, but has some hunting experience (was briefly a chaser for Undying because we needed a third and Ivaxion wasn’t yet grown).
  • Talia, chaser: Daughter of Tachyon. Not a permanent pack member; she had planned to depart when she reached adulthood, but she agreed to stay a while to help us out.
  • Galahad, finisher: Daughter of Renjiro and Ghostboom. A career rainforest scout, and much older than her squadmates (her fifth birthday is tomorrow).


Once Kipferl and Severin pass away, we’re going to merge the hunting teams. Then our teams will be as follows: (1) The Howling, led by Rakugaki; (2) Undying, led by Wulfric Kyovin; and (3) The Red Hood, led by Baransky. But this is a dry run for a year from now, when we’re going to debut a fourth permanent hunting team led by Glendower, Severin’s newborn pup born with 190 wisdom and 183 smarts. If Severin doesn’t find a glacier large, maybe Glendower will be the one to fulfill her dream…


Pictured: Baransky, Cinnabon, and our temporary team roster

Log Entry by Achaius

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