sun stealers - 2022-05-22

[Nasario’s tale]

Nasario is the son of the legendary DreamWalker, born in the Sharpstone Pack in the final days of DreamWalker’s reign. Even as a nameless young pup, he knew that if he stayed in his home pack, he would always remain in his father's shadow. He would have to find a new pack to seek his fortune.

In those days, the Sharpstone Pack was a chaotic place. Over a hundred of his half-siblings were running around, clamoring for attention and food, fighting over stray bones. Amidst all the ruckus, it was easy for one small pup to slip away.

His father always favored the temperate grasslands, but the nameless pup chose a different path for himself. He traveled north to the frozen wastelands, where time itself is warped by the bitter cold and the direwolves sing songs of eternal winter. The nameless pup trod carefully. He watched as heirs to vast principalities came to pay their respects to the ice. He warmed his paws in the light of the flame-wolves of Exioptera and the Blood Song Pack, whose fire was not dimmed by the cold.

There in the ice-glazed wilderness, he took shelter in a small cave and met two other pups around his age: Lysander and Arquebus of the Sun Stealers. They were also runaways from home. They helped the nameless pup choose a name for himself. The nameless pup wanted to earn his name somehow - to pick something that would celebrate a mighty battle or a crowning achievement - but Lysander was like "Nah, just pick something that sounds cool. Something that sounds like you." They batted around name ideas for a few days until he settled on the name Nasario. He told himself the world would know his name someday, as they knew his father's.

The trio journeyed together for many days (weeks? months? time moves strangely in those lands) until they quarreled, as pups do, and Nasario left them in a huff. He regretted his decision the next day, but a storm had removed all traces of his passing and he was unable to find his way back to his friends.

Prior to their parting, Lysander and Arquebus told many tales of their home pack, and Nasario thought it seemed like a nice place. He was tired of endless winter; he wanted someplace warm to rest his paws. He wanted a home. So he left the frozen wastelands and began a long journey south. And that's how he wound up here.

Ryle welcomed Nasario into the pack, and he became one of our scouts. His long journey left him with a knack for glacier exploration. He led many expeditions to the frozen North, trying to return to that strange realm carved from time and seek out his lost friends; but he was never able to find his way back...


Pictured: The dynamic trio: Nasario (now an adult), Lysander, and Arquebus (still adolescents in the frozen wastelands)

Log Entry by Achaius

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