sun stealers - 2022-07-11

[Wolf spotlight: the Dragonsong hunting squad] 

Severin | stalker for Dragonsong | starting stats: 588 | final stats: 1358 (+770)

The latest and greatest in stalking technology.

3/3/22 - Severin makes her debut on the smarts leaderboard at 4y 1.5m.

5/1/22 - Severin is the wisest and the smartest pack wolf in the world!

5/5/22 - At 6 years and 9 months old, Severin hit 900 combined stalker stats (450 + 450 exactly). Time for a field trip to the glacier!

Update: Looks like 945 combined stalker stats is not enough for glacier larges. You hate to see it. Good luck to Baransky and Glendower carrying on Sev’s legacy!

Real talk though, my money is on Rasakuhl, Severin’s cousin from Casalos, who is the world’s premier stalker now that Severin has passed away. Rasakuhl is a mad hotdogger and could conceivably even hit 1000 stalker stats. The threshold can’t be any higher than that…can it? 

Kipferl | chaser for Dragonsong | starting stats: 742 | final stats: 1504 (+762) 

Fourth of the cookie lineage (Snickerdoodle > Oreo Bandit > Lebkuchen > Kipferl). Kinda amazing when you think about it: Snickerdoodle was originally a 10 sc fodder pup, an impulse buy who became an impulse keep. Now her line is one of the pillars of our pack.

Kip is surprisingly laid-back, given her heritage. When you're this talented, greatness just comes naturally. (Also I guess most wolves seem laid-back compared to Lebkuchen. That girl had no chill.)

4/14/22 - At 5y10.5m, Kip exceeds her mother's stats (1437)! Leb would be proud. The leaderboard remains stubbornly out of reach with a floor of 1444.

4/28/22 - Kip and Tai make the main leaderboard on the same day! (Kip is 6y5.5m, Tai is 4y10.5m—she's still got a lot of growing to do)

  • [12:50 PM] wormdelivre: RUMKUGELN????
  • [12:50 PM] wormdelivre: also Kipferl
  • [12:51 PM] Lionel: I had a wolf named snickerdoodle so all her descendants have to be cookies or other baked goods
  • [12:51 PM] wormdelivre: fun fact, Kipferl is also sometimes used as a very low level insult
  • [12:52 PM] wormdelivre: "Du bist so a Kipfal!" in proper dialect

Taiyaki | chaser for Dragonsong | starting stats: 799 | final stats: 1572 (+773)

Kipferl's younger sister, and her lifelong best friend and rival.

Arlo Slipstream | chaser for Dragonsong | starting stats: 585 | final stats: 1289 (+704)

When Arlo was two years old, he took an 11-month hiatus from chasing because Leb's daughter Taiyaki grew up, but Leb refused to retire and give up her spot on the squad. (Classic Lebkuchen.) It was a chill vacation. Arlo went fishing with Ghostboom and chased birds across the dunes. He hung out with Julep and covered for her when she shirked her hunt training. Lebkuchen strongly suggested that Arlo apply himself by training the pack's puppies, but Arlo was having none of that. Vacation is vacation.

Now that he's back on the squad, he looks like the team underachiever, but that's just because he's sharing real estate with a daughter of Elismir and two daughters of Advesperascit. Objectively he's quite a solid hunter. 

Jukebox | finisher for Dragonsong | starting stats: 676 | final stats: 1452 (+776) 

Ryle's childhood sweetheart and sparring partner.

3/12/22 - Jukebox is the highest-stat serp in the world! (No wonder I can't find comparable-stat serp studs for her...) At level 18 and 2y7m, she's at 1152 stats. She's still basically a puppy ;-;

first T3 from a special breeding! (losna x denim) 

T3 pups bred: 6 serpentines

  • first litter (2/6/22) - Viper (457 stats)
  • second litter (2/27/22) - Sidewinder (514 stats), Jettison (516 stats), Stormbite (517 stats)
  • third litter (3/28/22) - Acqua (527 stats)
  • fifth litter (5/15/22) - Scydin (579 stats) 


Pictured: Severin, the sisters Kipferl and Taiyaki, Arlo Slipstream, and Jukebox

Log Entry by Achaius

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