sun stealers - 2022-08-31

[The disappearance of the Suntouched]

The Suntouched are no more. We don’t know how it happened. Our scouts, Nysus and Sharkey, were on routine patrol one night when they heard loud popping noises from the Suntouched’s territory and saw strange lights rising into the sky. They went to investigate and found the pack gone. There was wolf-scent everywhere, and signs of pack life—fresh-killed prey with the choice parts only half-eaten, still-warm piles of leaves in the pack’s nesting grounds—but no wolves. The pack’s vault had been dug up and was mostly empty.

Nysus and Sharkey were about to leave when they heard a soft whining sound. In the depths of the vault, they found a small, barely weaned pup shivering amidst a pile of bones. So they brought him home. We named him Pancake. We’re not sure of his parentage, but he’s probably one of Heirball’s sons; he has that classic Advesperascit look.

What could have happened? Riley suggested that a stronger pack might have attacked, driven them off, and taken their stuff, but Sharkey dismissed this idea as nonsense. There were no signs of a battle, no injured or dead wolves, no refugees fleeing in the night. They were simply gone. Besides, it’s hard to imagine them being bested in battle. Heirball alone could take on a whole pack.

Ryle, who had been Heirball’s friend, told us about their pack lore: According to their legends, all wolves come from the stars. Some choose to be blessed by the light of the sun and settle in packs together (which is why they call themselves the Suntouched). But there are always wolves who reject the sun and leave the pack to return to the stars. Ryle didn’t think they meant it literally, but…who can say?


Pictured: Heirball and his probable son Pancake

Log Entry by Achaius

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