sun stealers - 2022-10-07

[Wolf spotlight: Undying]

Undying is one of our fourth-generation hunting squads: Ravenlight > Megalovania > Vespertine > Undying. It was originally founded by Wulfric Kyovin (who was, in the end, not immortal, just unusually long-lived for a wild wolf. She recently passed away at the age of 10 years and 4.5 months. Rest in peace, girl).

As per tradition, Riley Kyovin has now founded a new hunting squad, Devil Trigger, with several of our yearlings (stalker Miyake [Veldryn’s daughter], and chasers Cielo, Kit-Kat, and Anatoli). Best of luck, team!

Veldryn | stalker for Undying | starting stats: 601| final stats: 1490 (+889)

Daughter of Cabeswater and Skyquake.

  • 4/21/22: Found a medium trail in desert on her debut hunt! (203/208 wisdom/smarts)
  • 4/27/22: First large trail in desert (1y3m old, level 8, 234/232 wisdom/smarts)
  • 9/3/22 (6 years, 7.5 months): 1000 stalker stats!
  • 9/23/22 (7 years, 5.5 months): Found a large trail in rainforest!! She's the second in the game to ever find one, after the incredible Ghost. Afterwards, she and the squad went to glacier and she found a large trail on her very last hunt.

Burrito | chaser for Undying | starting stats: 599 | final stats: 1497 (+898)

the spiciest burrito

A distillation of my chaser lineages (Miri, Ratatoskr, and Blitzkrieg) in bean form. The yellow merle is a family legacy handed down through four generations, from Miri to Kit to Megistos and now Burrito.

Ivaxion | chaser for Undying | starting stats: 531 | final stats: 1400 (+868)

Speedster pup from Casalos. (That's the home pack of master stalker Samanta, who was Meracydia's rival back in the day. Small world.)

Nozomi | chaser for Undying | starting stats: 593 | final stats: 1507 (+914)

Daughter of Kazivar and Tachyon.


Pictured (in order): Veldryn (bearing the Star Ruby of the Stalker in honor of her finding rainforest/glacier larges), Burrito, Ivaxion, Nozomi, and Riley Kyovin

Log Entry by Achaius

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