sun stealers - 2022-12-15

[Wolf spotlight: One-Winged Angel hunting squad]

One-Winged Angel is our new squad, formed just so that Glendower would have a team to lead. She’s kind of a big deal. For many generations, stalkers have been seeking large trails in the rainforest and glacier; it’s the holy grail, the final frontier. When Glendower was born, we thought she might be the one. A lot of hopes and dreams rested on that pup’s shoulders.

In the end, she wasn’t even that close to winning the race. Ghost, master stalker of Casalos, was the first, and second place went to our very own Veldryn. Several other stalkers from other packs made their own breakthroughs in close succession. By the time Glendower found her own rainforest large a couple years later, it was a nice milestone for an accomplished stalker, but not special. It’s okay, Glendower; you’re still special to us.  

Glendower | stalker for One-Winged Angel | starting stats: 657 | final stats: 1666 (+1009) 

Severin's daughter. Veldryn's half-cousin (via Lugus). 

10/18/22 - Glendower's first large rainforest trail was delayed because her older sister Baransky was HOGGING THE BIOME and I didn't notice Glen was over the threshold. When she finally got a crack at the rainforest, she found a large trail on her second try. (6y4m, 580/503)

11/21/22 - At 7y9m, Glendower is our first wolf to reach +1000 lifetime stat gain!

Kolaczki | lead chaser for One-Winged Angel | starting stats: 712 | final stats: 1712 (+972)

I'll be honest, all these Snickerdoodle descendants are starting to blend together in my head. I had a hard enough time keeping Kipferl and Taiyaki straight, and now they collectively have three pups on hunting teams.

  • Cinnabon (The Red Hood) - sarder w/dark brown merle - Taiyaki x Howlthorne - 736 (149/191)
  • Rumkugeln (The Red Hood) - onyx w/ducat merle - Taiyaki x Arlo - 649 (179/173)
  • Kolaczki (One-Winged Angel) - moonlight - Kipferl x Fanrik - 740 (168/179)


10/10/22 - Kolaczki makes the main leaderboard on her sixth birthday!

Tamaryn | chaser for One-Winged Angel | starting stats: 613 | final stats: 1553 (+940)

Daughter of Tachyon and Equinox. Life partner of Raquel Skyslicer, chaser for The Red Hood.

Wishbone | chaser for One-Winged Angel | starting stats: 480 | final stats: 1423 (+943)

Would've made a great stud, but the timing wasn't quite right (Alberhastic, our realgar finisher, had priority, and we then switched to Fortinbras, the premier leaderboard stud with a stud fee under five digits of gc).

Vanaspati | finisher for One-Winged Angel | starting stats: 663 | final stats: 1593 (+930)

Granddaughter of the legendary ke Khatvana, and life partner of our leader Fortinbras.


The squad: Glendower, Kolaczki, Tamaryn, Wishbone, and Vanaspati

Log Entry by Achaius

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