sun stealers - 2022-12-23

[Pancake’s tale: the sun's light endures]

The Suntouched are no more. The brotherhood of the light was shattered by the cataclysm. Rumor said they returned to the stars from whence they came. Except one small ray of light did not quite make it to the stars, and instead landed here.

We named him Pancake.

We knew him as a tireless scout, an equally tireless pupsitter, and a talented mentor to pups who needed training in the ways of combat. But as he grew old, he became restless and irritable. The mysteries of his origin and the fate of his missing packmates weighed heavily on him. He grew obsessed with tales of the frozen Northlands and the realm carved from time that Lysander, Arquebus, and Nasario first discovered.

As far as we know, adults cannot reach that land; only pups and adolescents have made it there and returned to tell the tale. Nasario spent years of his adult life scouring the glacier for a way back there, to no avail. But Pancake was convinced his packmates departed for that realm on the night of the cataclysm. Once they realized that they had left one small pup behind, they had already passed beyond the veil and it was too late to go back.

Pancake's obsession with the North only grew as time went on. He had to know the truth; he had to find his family. In the spring of Year 31, he departed on his final pilgrimage. We were sad to see him go, but we knew better than to try to stop him.

Will he find what he seeks, or will he find only the cold light of the unyielding stars?

Log Entry by Achaius

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