sun stealers - 2023-06-06

[Wolf spotlight: Reinhardt]

Reinhardt was our sixth pack leader, and the fifth leader of the line of Leviathan, son of Lucky Taro. He was born of Fortinbras and Vanaspati on the first day of winter in Year 30.

He became leader at 1 year and 2 months old. He started at level 1, so he was way behind the ball in the race to level 20. On the other hand, spawning in during a lunar event is pro; on his first day, he gained 22 bonus stats from battles.

His father Fortinbras was the preeminent stud of his day. Reinhardt was born into a more competitive era: he had all the sons of RavenWalker to contend with, as well as the incomparable Stahlhast, He Who Raised the Dead and Toppled a King. (Why would anyone stud to Reinhardt when they could stud to Stahlhast, who has +150 total stats and +250 strength? The answer is price. We wouldn't be charging nearly Stahlhast's price. However, for those seeking budget options, Keyleth, Karasu, and Felix [all sons of RavenWalker] are right there, with shorter heritage and nearly as high stats.)

Based on that, we decided not to stud Reinhardt at all. Better luck next generation!

Reinhardt's greatest accomplishment was rising above all of RavenWalker's children on the leaderboard. However, in the final year of his life, after his heir Armitage was born, he took it easy (training his pups, teaching them to tussle and howl at the moon, taking long afternoon naps in the sun instead of harassing walruses all day every day). In that final year, he was surpassed by Rhallwyn, the greatest military strategist of the era, second only to her father RavenWalker. She's out there doing galaxy brain calculations of enemy troop movements and supply lines. Reinhardt lives a simpler life: he wanders around until he finds a bear, then he ambles over and fights it.

He's still our blue-eyed boy. (except that one time he was showing off for Omen with green contacts) 

update (5/19/23 8:45 am): HOLY SHIT Rhallwyn passed Stahlhast. I didn't even think that was possible. truly Reinhardt was just a speedbump on her way to glory

update (5/19/23 10:30 am): okay Stahlhast took back the lead. nice instantaneous 15-stat jump. that's the Zea we all know and love (genuine, affectionate) :popcorn: 

update (5/19/23 2 pm): IT WAS A LOVE STORY ALL ALONG?!? (looking at Stahlhast x Rhallwyn pups)

Log Entry by Achaius

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