sun stealers - 2023-08-23

[Wolf spotlight: Beautiful Apocalypse squad]

[Ravenlight > Megalovania > Vespertine > Undying > Devil Trigger > Beautiful Apocalypse]

Sixth-generation hunting squad. For five generations, this team was led by the Kyovin line, but Genichiro, daughter of Fortinbras and Victoria, commandeered it for herself. Savage. Just like her mother.

Genichiro | finisher for Beautiful Apocalypse | starting stats: 974 | ending stats: 1954 (+980)

Daughter of Fortinbras and Victoria. As a pup, she caused an uproar in the puppy den by claiming that her mom could beat up her dad in a fight. (This was shortly after Fortinbras' death. It was rude. It was also deliberate. She was stirring the pot.)

There was a big brawl, but Genichiro held her own. (Imagine being a stalker or a chaser pup and trying to throw down with Genichiro.) Then the Kyovin adols (who really should've known better than to rise to the bait) got involved and things looked real ugly for a sec. Then Pancake arrived on the scene, snarled at everyone to chill the fuck out, bonked some Kyovin noses, and physically sat on Genichiro. That put an end to the hubbub.

(Who would win, though? Fortinbras was a lot stronger. Victoria is a lot faster and more agile. Speed wins fights. On neutral terrain, I think Victoria probably takes it. However Fortinbras had superior tactical acumen, and if given favorable terrain and time to plan, he could figure something out...probably.) 

4/6/23 - At 4y9m and 1745 stats, Genichiro makes #10 on the overall stat leaderboard! 

Calzone | chaser for Beautiful Apocalypse | starting stats: 670 | ending stats: 1654 (+984) 

Lead chaser for the squad. He/him. Stroopwafel's mate. 

Stroopwafel | chaser for Beautiful Apocalypse | starting stats: 704 | ending stats: 1709 (+1005) 

Sixth-generation cookie pup: Snickerdoodle > Oreo Bandit > Lebkuchen > Taiyaki > Kit-Kat > Stroopwafel. Also a Kazivar/Tachyon descendant. You can see this lad's heritage in his merles: Slot 3 ducat merle, Orion (via Rigel Foxchaser). Slot 4 dark brown merle, Advesperascit. Slot 10 black merle, Mobie (via CASTLE OF DOOM). 

Lilium | stalker for Beautiful Apocalypse | 2 years, 7 months | 394 hunts 

Well, that settles the succession. Can't argue with 212/214. You're in. (She didn't inherit Rakugaki's slot 2 airglow shaded, but we can fix that.) Privileged pup: on her very first apprentice hunt, she got to spectate a rainforest large (courtesy of her mom, master stalker Miyake).

Oreo Flurry | chaser for Beautiful Apocalypse | starting stats: 623 | ending stats: 1591 (+968) 

Ollie and Zhimabao's brother. (do I NEED a third chaser pup from Wishbone? no. however, he is very cute and has merle x3. so here we are.) Junior chaser for the squad. Became stud on his fifth birthday, after Tortellini passed away.

Log Entry by Achaius

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