sun stealers - 2023-11-09

[Wolf spotlight: Return to Oblivion squad]

[Ghost River > Lightbringer > Dragonsong > The Red Hood > Scarlet Vow > Return to Oblivion]

Twix | chaser for Return to Oblivion | starting stats: 801 | ending stats: 1775 (+974)

Lead chaser. Sixth-generation cookie pup: Snickerdoodle > Oreo Bandit > Lebkuchen > Taiyaki > Kit-Kat > Twix. He carries the lineage with pride.

Mars Core | chaser for Return to Oblivion | starting stats: 656 | ending stats: 1611 (+955)

Twix's mate (he/him). HOWEVER:

  • [10:17 AM] Lionel: so one of my stalkers died yesterday, and his successor moved up into his hunting team spot
  • [10:17 AM] Lionel: and I realized (because they're now next to each other on the party list) I basically have two of the same wolf
  • [10:18 AM] Lionel: I have a type I guess
  • [10:18 AM] Spontaneite: They're on the same background because they're on a date together
  • [10:18 AM] Lionel: :hellmo:
  • [10:19 AM] Spontaneite: Hunting party romance drama time

update: per worm’s suggestion, they’re poly. DRAMA IS OVER

canonically they’re the asshole trio: Aioniopyr is impulsive, Mars Core is malicious, Twix is conceited

Aioniopyr | stalker for Return to Oblivion | starting stats: 662 | ending stats: 1704 (+1042)

Inheritor of the flame and successor to her father Altan.

7/3/23 - First rainforest large trail on her fourth birthday!

Gabriel Skyslicer | chaser for Return to Oblivion | starting stats: 713 | ending stats: 1702 (+989)

Remi's twin. Junior chaser for the squad. Beat her twin to level 20!

Rubicante | chaser for Return to Oblivion | starting stats: 818 | ending stats: 1787 (+969)

Armitage's runt sister. She succeeds her mother, Kavik Frostfang, as finisher for the Return to Oblivion squad. Although she takes after her dad in most respects, she has her mom's eyes. Officially the biggest runt in the world!

10/10/23 - At 6y5m old, Rubicante hits the main leaderboard with 1704 stats! go runt gooo

Log Entry by Achaius

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