sun stealers - 2023-11-16

[Wolf spotlight: Armitage]

Dog controls your destiny. Seek out three items of his favor and then seek his shrine.

"Looks kind of like a runt" - HGR

Armitage, sixth and strongest of his line, was born on the first day of winter in Year 37, exactly seven years after his father Reinhardt. During his time as lead, he became the fifth strongest wolf in the world, behind Stahlhast and FrostWalker, the Incomparable Ones, the Kings of Eternity; Zoey, daughter of RavenWalker, lover of Stahlhast; and Esther of the line of Sango. As pack stud, he sired 560 aggressively blurple pups. Not a bad legacy.

Armitage is succeeded by his son Karta-Kul, who will have a much more difficult climb to the leaderboard. Armitage, born with 854 stats, was one of the leading pups of his generation. Karta-Kul, born with 858 stats (the most meager increase possible), is sharply behind the stat curve. Stahlhast and FrostWalker have shattered the 1k pup barrier. For their pups, 1000 birth stats is the norm; 1100 stats is not extraordinary. In Zoey & Stahlhast's latest litter, the largest pup hit a record-breaking 1274 stats.

But if anyone can make it out of the pit, it's Karta-Kul. We have faith in our new leader.

Armitage had several other pups who remained within the pack:

  • From Nexus, stalker for the Abyss of Time: Superchain Theory, Nexus' successor, and her sister Nikayo, who has succeeded Kudzu as our pack herbalist
  • From Jumbo, of the line of Razanei: Jahre Viking, interim finisher and rainforest scout
  • From Hyacinth, a traveler who has since moved on: Archelon, rainforest scout (Archelon is such an asshole. "Eyeing you critically, Archelon asks if you really expect them to get up and greet you like some peasant." Is that any way to talk to your father?? Why does this improve our relationship??)
  • From Gambit, a traveler who wound up staying and becoming our head pupsitter: Gambit Jr., future rainforest scout

By the numbers:

  • starting stats: 854 | aging-up stats: 937 (+83) | level 20 stats: 1486 (+632) | final stats: 2827 (+1973)
  • lifetime achievements: 1135/1144 battles won (tracked from when Armitage was 6 years, 10 months old), 12 hunts, and 64 lessons taught
  • guarana used: 0
  • battle record against Tala: 4-0
  • tier III wolves befriended: 10 (Skovin the yearling blueschist, Atticus the other yearling blueschist, merle piasa, Tallow the fox, Holy Havoc the dust chromium, tombac merle, bronze scallop, Bladnid the argent, realgar, Ramble the fox)


Pictured: Armitage and his successor Karta-Kul

Log Entry by Achaius

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