sun stealers - 2023-11-28

[Wolf spotlight: Insatiable squad]

[The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife > Roundtable Rival > Insatiable]

Our OG hunting squad enters its seventh generation with its highest stats yet (because three of them are RavenWalker grandpups, and a fourth is a Stahlhast pup). Lark is the only one with relatively normal chaser heritage. It's fine. This is the ride-or-die squad, the pure ensemble cast. All our stats are for all the team.

Fusaichi Pegasus | chaser for Insatiable | starting stats: 718 | final stats: 1711 (+993)

Pup of Tortellini and Veyron Vitesse, which makes her Chengdu's half-sister. Maternal chaser bloodlines: Miri, Tachyon, Ivaxion. Won the race to level 20!

Byzantium | stalker for Insatiable | starting stats: 738 | final stats: 1708 (+970)

Tactical genius. Clearly the brains of the operation.

Chengdu J-20 | chaser for Insatiable | starting stats: 703 | final stats: 1678 (+975)

Pup of Tortellini and Zhimabao. Lark's mate. (she/her)

Lark | chaser for Insatiable | starting stats: 666 | final stats: 1630 (+964)

dustpaper (#108882): shoulda kept da blue base :')

Grand Lethal | finisher for Insatiable | starting stats: 874 | final stats: 1870 (+996)

Genichiro's daughter. Born with TWENTY-FOUR more strength than Armitage. my lead in RUINS

9/17/23 - hit #10 on the main leaderboard with 1676 stats (4 years, 10.5 months old)

11/4/23 - #1 overall stats, #1 strength!

Log Entry by Achaius

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