Paichnidia - 2020-07-25

Isn't MeepMeep cute? :D

I saw the BuddyLog at @Archaius profile, so I thought I could do that too. I think I'll change buddies from time to time to get the badge with nice Pokemon, but MeepMeep will be the best buddy! I should also add stars to the names of each I started to take along my adventures. And then I'll get good use for all those berries, my bag is full again... Today is the start of the Festival, I just saw Konfetti all over the place. And there should be a TeamLounge, but I haven't found it yet...

I really like the souvenier feature. I'll start with Bulbameep. You can swap buddies 20times, so I can feed a few Pokemon today. Then the following will get a ribbon someday:

  • Bulbameep (Bulbasaur) * Chikorita, Bayleaf (µ), Meganium (µ)
  • Meepsaur (Bulbasaur, Party) * Cyndaquil, Igelavar (µ)
  • Meepie (Caterpie) * Hoppip
  • MeepWeedle (Weedle) * Murkrow
  • Rattameep (Rattata) * Dumisselmeep (Dumissel, AKA Dunsparce)
  • MeEkans (Ekans) * Shuckle
  • Pikachu Meep (Pikachu, Balloons) * Shuckle Meep (shiny)
  • Nidorameep (Nidoran, lila) * Skarmormeep (Skarmory)
  • Vulmeep (Vulpix) * S Hondour (purified)
  • Zubameep (Zubat) * S Suicune (not purified yet)
  • Meepfyllo (Myrapla) * Lugia
  • Parameep (Paras) *Torchic (shiny)
  • Meeplett (Diglett, Alola) * Mudkip
  • Ponmeepyta (Ponyta) - Maybe I should get a better name * Meepyena (Mightyena)
  • Farmeep (Farfetch'd, Galar) * Zigmeep (Zigzagoon)
  • Seelmeep (Seel, shiny) * Wurmeep (Wurmple)
  • Shellmeep (Shellder) * Delcatty
  • S Hitmonchan (Hitmonchan, purified) * Manectric/Voltenso
  • Goldeen * Roselia, Roseade (µ)
  • Ditto * Vibrava, Libelldra (µ)
  • Evee (shiny) * Swablu, Altaria (µ)
  • Pyro (Flaereon) *MeepCash/Wels (Welsar/Whiscash)
  • Dratini * Feebas
  • Dragonai * Absolmeep

.... Waaayyy too many, and I'm not completely through the list, so I'll end it now. µ means I don't own it yet but as a Evolution I wrote it next to the basic. And yeah, my names-giving needs a creativity boost. Somewhere Magnetausch went missing, I guess i overlooked it. Magnetausch is a Magnetilo, my sister and I traded Pokemon but it didn't allow us to trade back... So now she has my Simsala (Priviet) I traded because of the Evolution and I have hers. I'll take good care of it.

Log Entry by Plesi`

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