Paichnidia - 2020-07-29

ACNL Trick List



New tour in MarioKartTour: Western

Kalimari desert 2 - it's a two parted one and I really like it. In round one you get unto the railroad tracks! At first I was wondering what's happening as I only saw a fence blocking the path but then it went along on the tracks. So you don't really notice you are racing in two laps as they're not identical like usual.

I turned on the walking feature in Nintendogs+Cats as we went to Ikea today and got those stick treats 2x for 200steps and a Tricolour Bows for 2000 steps. All in all thats a total of 2727 steps.


Parcour practice with Τυρί .

I need to think better of what tricks I teach. I miss-teached one as I thought it was Jubeln but it seems it was actually betteln. So I forgot them. I also wanted to teach a trick I thought was betteln, instead he started to dance and I was so unprepared that I called it breakdance, instead of the much shorter dance. So now I've made a list to avoid such things in the future... But the backflip trick is new to me!!! Why is it so late, and why does Kes come to me when I say "Warum ist es wieder so spät?" 😂 So I gave Sheepie a Hibiscus and the rosa heart collar.

Learned tricks:

Kes: Drehen; Auf; dance

Rubin: hoch; cheer, hatschi

Tyri: Platz, Auf

Tricks + Names: individual names: has learned: how to:

Sitz (sit) = Sitz Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> arrow down *a bit higher voice for Rubin Τυρί

Gib links (lift paw) = links Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> hold paw up

Gib rechts (right paw) = rechts Kes, Rubin, Τυρί

Platz (lie down) = Platz Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> sit, arrow down

Spiel tot (Play dead) = Seite Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> platz, arrow side

Dreh dich (spin) = Drehen Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> cookie at back

(roll over) = Rücken Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> Seite, arrow side

Aufsetzen (sit up) = Auf Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> sitz, cookie above

Spring (jump) = Spring Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> Ausgangsposition, cookie above *short, high Kes

sag bitte? Gib Pfote? (say please) = bitte Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> auf dem Rücken! -> Platz, cookie beside

Männchen (stand) = hoch Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> Ausgangsposition, arrow up

Jubeln (cheer) = cheer Kes (Jubeln), Rubin, Τυρί -> hoch, Keks * streched u for Kes

Hatschi (sneeze) = Hatschi Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -< tap nose

betteln (beg) = Betteln Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> im stehen! ->hoch, treat next to it

Handstand (handstand) = Handstand Kes, Rubin, Τυρί -> Ausgangsposition, lift hind leg up

Break dance = dance Kes, Rubin -> Rücken, cookie above

heulen (howl) = heulen Kes, -> imitate howl

(backflip) = backflip -> sit then jump

(front flip) = ? -> roll over, jump (or lie down+jump??)

Kes knew all tricks (except howl and the newly discovered backflip (because of the internet)) but because of voice change - and my personal name change - I need to teach them again...

Daily tasks: ACNL:

Walk dogs Water flowers 💐 Money Rock

Learn/Practice tricks Harvest fruits🍊🍎🍒🍑🍋 Schlummerhaus

Competitions (Disc, Course) Shake trees🌳🌲

Look how cute they are 😱😍 Gather shells

Log Entry by Plesi`

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