Paichnidia - 2020-09-18

I've dreamed that I played the horse game and there were the dressur competitiions, of course the hardest. Maybe i should play it again. And yesterday i saw the trailer for new games that'll be released soon, one is MH rise and MH Stories 2. Looks interesting, but i don't have a switch, release next yearr (i think) and money, and i don't even know wheather i should even play it.

So I've played Horsez AKA Peppa Funnell AKA L... AKA Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof: Wiedersehen im Tal.

I've began anew and thought i could play it in spanish. Well, i didn't understand much. I got a foal at the beginning, i thought you had got that later... I can't care for a foal right now. It said If i ddidn'T have a carrot i should go to the shop and buy one. I was surprised i understood that, but didn't realize that right away. But the shop was closed. So i looked after my horse. I still don't understand how to brush it correctly. And i trained, unlocked a new course. Then i went to the foal place to show it to ym sister. It was ill. At least, it showed that cross symbol. As I said, i don't have the time right now. Then i saw i could take part at a competition and won silver, unlocked another cpurse, went training and unlocked an addiotional course.

I named the horse Banana and the foal Brot.


Log Entry by Plesi`

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