I am unmoored from time and space, drifting through the void. Most of my usual weekly landmarks are gone: No raid last weekend because Dante was away. No team meeting this week and we’re working full remote. You’d think this would be good because it gives me back so much time. I save three hours fro...
My Fitbit has been on the way out since last Labor Day, when the connection between the band and the watch face broke. I could temporarily fix it by jamming it back together, but any pressure on the band could cause it to pop back off, e.g., putting on a coat, opening a door while wearing a coat (th...
HGR has been giving me flak for joining the Serious Combat & Raids Valheim server when I’m not into Serious Combat & Raids. I just wanted to play with my friends!! Even if it is mostly toddler-style parallel play. Look, the reason we have so much boar meat for our turnip stew is that I’ve be...
newbie and HGR have reached Bonemass, the boss of the swamp. Apparently, in the newbie/numbers world, they just kinda walked up and killed him, no sweat. It doesn’t work that way on Very Hard. Thursday night I watched newbie and HGR progging the fight for about 40 minutes. I say “progging” but on HG...
“Yo, what if you had an air dash in Valheim?” said HGR. “I think that would make the combat way better.” “What the fuck???” said newbie. Still mostly blobbing around in Valheim. It’s a chill experience roaming the meadows, hunting deer and boars, with HGR and newbie’s adventures providing backgrou...
For the past year, newbie and numbers have been playing Valheim on-and-off. I’ve been loosely following their adventures. There was The Boat Incident, where they were returning from an expedition on their raft at night and got ambushed by a serpent. There was the time they spent an hour+ following t...
The self-order kiosk at this tea place has a sign taped to it (paraphrased): “Dear Customers, every drink with the word boba in the title comes WITH boba. Every drink with the word jelly in the title comes WITH jelly.” lmao you can tell they’ve had a lot of issues with people ordering (extra) boba i...
A couple things I forgot to mention about last week’s raid: First, newbie was gatekeeping Japanese car fandom. We were talking about “memories of Titan” and how Gaia should turn into a car, which is the most iconic Titan mechanic. Dante said, “I think a Japanese car is what I want to go with.” Then ...
Walking back from lunch, I stopped at a red light. Guy next to me with a cane just kept walking into the street against the light. “Y’all better stop!” he yelled in the direction of oncoming traffic. It did work. No one ran him over.
In today’s Walmart delivery, we accidentally got a bunch of stuff that we didn’t order. I caught one of the bags and sent it back with the delivery guy (despite him saying “all this stuff is yours”), but a couple other stray bags slipped in. We got brussel sprouts, various Lean Cuisine meals, turkey...
Still progging Eden’s Promise. Raid was pretty much a nothing burger this weekend. We entered with a solid strategy for lions, and exited without ever having successfully executed it. It’s not like we got in a lot of good practice on the lions, either. We just kept dying before getting there. Import...
Sometimes I feel like my entire life is hovering over the boydinner threshold. For instance: In December, Mom was like, “What should I get you for Christmas? Do you want a new frypan?” I was like, “No thanks, I already got one.” She said, “But this one is really good, it’s nonstick.” I let her know ...